Network Security NS 6th Sem CSE/IT/May 2019 Diploma Paper

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Network Security NS 6th Sem CSE/IT/May 2019 PSBTE Diploma Question Paper


Q1. Fill in the Blanks.                                                         15×1=15

    a. RAID stands for __________________
    b. NIDS stands for __________________
    c. SSL stands for __________________
    d. SMIP stands for __________________
    e. IDS stand for __________________
    f. IPSEC works in _________ layer of OSI model.
    g. A hacker who manually attempts to hack is known as ____________
    h. Conversion of plaintext into cipher text is called ______________
    i. Firewall may filter the traffic on the basis of _________________
    j. _______ is a computer program that can copy itself & infect a computer                     without permission or knowledge of the user.


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                    5×6=30

    i. What are the advantages and need of cyber laws? (2.5, 2.5)
   ii. Explain RSA algorithm with example. (5)
   iii. What is the difference between symmetric and asymmetric algorithms? (5)
  iv. What is access control? Explain the methods to protect computer system.(2,3)
   v. Define virus. Explain different types of virus. (2,3)
  vi. Explain the concept of Information leakage & Authentication failure. (2,3)
vii. What do you mean by Firewall? Explain the working of firewall in detail. (2,3)
 viii. What are the various advantages & disadvantages of NIDS? (5)


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=30

     a. Define VPN. What are the Services provided by VPN? How to configure VPN? (2,4,4)
     b. Define Encryption? Explain various methods of encryption. (2,8)
     c. What are IDS? Discuss IDS limitations & Counter measures. (2,3,5)
     d. Write short note on: Digital Signature & PGP. (5,5)
     e. What is Hacking? Why do hackers’ hacks? Explain different types of Hackers. (2,2,6)

Network Security NS 6th Sem CSE/IT/May 2019 PSBTE Diploma Question Paper

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Section a Network Security CSE/IT/May 2019 Diploma Paper              

RAID stands for __________________ NIDS stands for __________________  SSL stands for __________________ SMIP stands for __________________  IDS stand for __________________ IPSEC works in __________ layer of OSI model. A hacker who manually attempts to hack is known as ____________ Conversion of plaintext into cipher text is called ______________ Firewall may filter the traffic on the basis of _______________  _______ is a computer program that can copy itself & infect a computer without permission or knowledge of the user.
Network Security NS 6th Sem CSE/IT/May 2019 PSBTE Diploma Question Paper Click Here

Section B :Network Security NS 6th Sem CSE/IT/May 2019 PSBTE Diploma Question Paper              

What are the advantages and need of cyber laws ?

Advantages and need of cyber laws 

 Explain RSA algorithm with example.

RSA algorithm with example.

What is the difference between symmetric and asymmetric algorithms?

Difference between symmetric and asymmetric algorithms

What is access control? Explain the methods to protect computer system.

Access control and methods to protect computer system. 

Define virus. Explain different types of virus.

Virus and different types of virus. 

Explain the concept of Information leakage & Authentication failure.

Concept of Information leakage & Authentication failure.

 What do you mean by Firewall? Explain the working of firewall in detail.

Firewall and working of firewall in detail. 

What are the various advantages & disadvantages of NIDS?

Advantages & disadvantages of NIDS?

Network Security NS 6th Sem CSE/IT/May 2019 PSBTE Diploma Question Paper Click Here

Network Security CSE/IT/May 2019 Diploma Paper

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Section c :-Network Security CSE/IT/May 2019 Diploma Paper

Define VPN. What are the Services provided by VPN? How to configure VPN?

VPN and Services provided by VPN.

How to configure VPN

Define Encryption? Explain various methods of encryption.

Encryption and various methods of encryption. 

 What are IDS? Discuss IDS limitations & Counter measures.

IDS and IDS limitations & Counter measures.

Write short note on: Digital Signature & PGP.

 Digital Signature & PGP. 

What is Hacking? Why do hackers’ hacks? Explain different types of Hackers. 

Hacking and Why do hackers’ hacks

Explain different types of Hackers. 

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